Weedscan Weed Profiles

WeedScan is a free community weed identification, alert, recording and communication system that supports cooperative weeds action Australia-wide. The weed profiles are being improved, please send feedback to weeds@invasives.com.au

View the Project on GitHub Centre-for-Invasive-Species-Solutions/demo_json_api


Hyparrhenia rufa

Common Names: Thatch grass

Plant Form: Perennial tufted grass. Size: Up to 1.2 m tall. Stem: Erect, densely tufted. Leaves: Flat, 30-60 cm long, narrowed at base, with very rough edges. Flowers: Heads 20-40 cm long, wiry, hairy, reddish brown. Fruit and Seeds: Bristled and twisted with 2 bends. Habitat: Roadsides, open woodlands, pastures. Distinguishing Features: There are subspecies of Hyparrhenia rufa which are very difficult to tell apart. Impacts: Outcompete native and pasture grasses, increases fire risk.

Tall, thin, straight
Seed heads in pairs
Seed like small spear grass
Stems and leaves fine