Weedscan Weed Profiles

WeedScan is a free community weed identification, alert, recording and communication system that supports cooperative weeds action Australia-wide. The weed profiles are being improved, please send feedback to weeds@invasives.com.au

View the Project on GitHub Centre-for-Invasive-Species-Solutions/demo_json_api


Gymnocoronis spilanthoides

Common Names: Senegal tea plant

Plant Form: Upright perennial mat forming herb. Size: Up to 1 m tall. Stem: Ribbed, pale green, erect to prostrate with age. Somewhat hollow. Leaves: Dark green, 5-20 cm long tapering at end, with serrated and wavy edges, on short stalks. Flowers: White pom-pom-like flowers up to 2 cm diameter in groups at the end of stems. Fruit and Seeds: Seeds are yellowish brown, 5 mm in diameter, and ribbed. Habitat: Creeks, floodplains, dams, wetlands, can grow fully submerged. Distinguishing Features: Somewhat hollow stems, and combination of characteristics distinguish from Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata), Crofton weed (Ageratina adenophora) and Hygrophila species. Impacts: Majorly alters wetland ecosystems, dense mats affect water flow and access.

Leaves and flowers
Size of flowers